Nettoyage industriel moderne
Reduce energy consumption by up to 30%, conserve water resources, reduce wastewater
volumes, relieve the burden on the environment, replace polluted jobs through
automation or relieve pressure through device construction, promote sustainability
and the circular economy?
This is mycon.
Trouvez votre solution
Nettoyage manuel/automatique des échangeurs de chaleur
- Our products for manual or automatic cleaning of heat exchangers of all types and sizes, and for general surface cleaning, include:
- Jetmaster– Careful and intensive cleaning of finned heat exchangers
- Jetboy– Ideal device for cleaning small heat exchangers and other surfaces, even under difficult space conditions and within buildings.
- Powermaster– Blasting system that operates with compressed air and water-soluble blasting agents
- IceMaster– Revolutionised dry ice blasting unit.
- TubeMaster– Gently cleans shell-and-tube heat exchangers and individual tubes with compressed air and dry ice or various granulates.
- FluidMaster– A device that can be used in areas that are difficult to access for flushing heat exchangers, moulds and pipes.
- Mini fluidmaster– A compact, mobile version of fluidmaster for smaller requirements.
Secteur ferroviaire
- JetMaster, JetBoy SP for cleaning oil coolers, transformer coolers, air conditioners, with optional special automation and auxiliary devices, catchment devices with extraction.
- IceMaster for cleaning wheelsets and bogies, weld cleaning for visual inspection.
- PowerMaster for paint removal and layer stripping.
- SpeedMaster for surface cleaning.
- SplitMaster for separating bonded components.
Cleaning of sulphur condensor tubes
TubeMaster from mycon GmbH cleans tube bundle heat exchangers, especially for the desulphurisation of gas and oil. Since dry cleaning takes place, sulphuric acid cannot form in the tubes afterwards. The inner walls of the pipes can be additionally polished in a single operation. This ensures excellent heat transfer and a longer service life.
Cleaning processes that use water are prohibited when cleaning sulfur capacitors. The resulting acid formation leads to severe corrosion of the inner pipe surfaces, not to mention the traditional method for removing sulfur crete is to drill the layer out of the pipes. This inevitably leads to smaller or larger scratches on the surface of the pipes, which then serve as preferred locations for the formation of new deposits. Major damage can also occur if the drill bits deviate from course and penetrate the steel pipe instead of removing the deposits. Since sulfur condenser tubes are usually made of carbon steel, some corrosion will always occur after a long period of operation. Corroded areas are particularly susceptible to fractures due to the mechanical stress of drilling. Finally, many sulfur condensers use U-tubes, and the curved part of the tubes cannot be reached by drilling. This means that some of the pipes remain unclean and the useful life of this heat exchanger is shortened. With “TubeMaster” all these problems can be overcome.
Acid gas, also known as hydrogen sulfide-rich gas, is produced in various countries around the world. Some of the countries known for their sour gas reserves are:
1. United States
2. Russia
3. Canada
4. Saudi Arabia
5. United Arab Emirates
6. Qatar
7. Iran
8. Kuwait
9. Iraq
10. Nigeria
Secteur industriel/commercial
- JetMaster and JetMaster AS for cleaning finned heat exchangers.
- FluidMaster and Mini-FluidMaster for cleaning non-detachable plate heat exchangers, non-openable shell and tube heat exchangers, and pipelines.
- TubeMaster and TubeMaster AS for cleaning shell and tube heat exchangers and pipelines.
- PowerMaster for paint removal and cleaning heavily soiled surfaces and layer stripping.
- SpeedMaster for large-scale, gentle surface cleaning.
- IceMaster for cleaning delicate surfaces.
Secteur de l’automobile
- SplitMaster for separating bonded body parts and vehicle batteries.
- FilterMaster for fast, gentle, and eco-friendly cleaning of catalytic converters, exhaust particulate filters, and other filters
- JetBoy for gentle cleaning of radiators.
- Icemaster – Cleaning and deburring of automotive parts.
- PowerMaster
Secteur de l’aviation
- JetMaster in a special version for cleaning finned heat exchangers (internal and external cleaning).
- SplitMaster for separating bonded components.
Project Example
A wedge of epoxy resin was installed on the underside of the aircraft door to drain away condensation. Upon inspection, it was discovered that moisture had penetrated between the door surface and the epoxy resin wedge. The epoxy resin wedge therefore had to be removed without damaging the rivets/metal lines embedded in the epoxy resin. The PowerMaster from mycon GmbH was used with a special soft blasting agent. The epoxy resin could be completely removed without damaging the materials.
Secteur du bâtiment
- JetMaster, JetBoy, JetBoy SP, and JetBoy AS for cleaning finned heat exchangers of air conditioners.
- TubeMaster for cleaning shell and tube heat exchangers of air conditioners.
- PowerMaster for removing paint applications and addressing fire damage.
- SpeedMaster for large-scale, gentle cleaning of building surfaces and facades.
Experienced Staff
Familiar with their jobs and can perform them quickly and efficiently.
Best Quality Services
Providing clients with expert advice and solutions
Qui sommes-nous
mycon développe, produit et distribue des produits et des technologies d’automatisation dans le secteur du nettoyage industriel. Nos solutions innovantes sont créées pour répondre aux exigences des applications quotidiennes et ont fait leurs preuves dans la pratique grâce à l’utilisation par notre filiale Kipp Umwelttechnik.
Maintien de la propreté industrielle
Mise en œuvre d’une approche structurée pour un milieu de travail sécuritaire et productif
Il est essentiel de comprendre l’industrie, la taille de l’installation et les défis spécifiques en matière de nettoyage pour trouver des solutions de nettoyage efficaces.
Évaluez les besoins des clients, puis créez un plan de nettoyage sur mesure en fonction du secteur d’activité, de la taille de l’installation et des défis.
Des nettoyeurs expérimentés exécutent le plan, en utilisant l’équipement et les produits chimiques appropriés pour un nettoyage sûr et efficace des installations.
Après le nettoyage, effectuez une inspection pour vous assurer que l’installation répond aux normes de propreté et d’hygiène du client.