Wood Industry

Suitable Products

JetMaster AS

Careful, intensive cleaning for finned heat exchangers

JetMaster/JetMaster AS


For non-abrasive interior tube cleaning


Wood industry

Finned heat exchangers in the wood industry often present special challenges. Wood chips can become wedged in the fins and cleaning can be time-consuming in this case. Based on the practical experience of our sister company Kipp Umwelttechnik in use at customers, mycon has developed a special combination unit for use even in extremely difficult cases in the wood industry. Even tough, tough lignin deposits can be removed cleanly and damage-free from sensitive lamella structures. Until now, lignin could only be removed from the lamella surfaces by using large quantities of water – usually with additional chemical support. Here too, the JetMaster combination system offers considerable advantages in terms of cleaning effect + water consumption. In addition, the time factor is positively influenced by the high cleaning speed of the JetMaster combination system.

Application Examples

Finned heat exchanger before and after cleaning using the JetMaster combination system
Damage caused by previous cleaning with high-pressure water
Finned heat exchanger before and after cleaning
Cleaned finned heat exchanger
Finned heat exchanger before cleaning using the JetMaster combination system
Copper finned heat exchanger after cleaning
Copper finned heat exchanger before cleaning

Cleaning of a Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger Using
TubeMaster Process in the Wood Industry

Tube bundle heat exchanger before cleaning using the TubeMaster system
Tube bundle heat exchanger before cleaning
Tube bundle heat exchanger after cleaning with the TubeMaster system