mycon GmbH and Kipp Umwelttechnik GmbH join together to install the first cleaning machine for larger heat exchanger surfaces
Fully automatic cleaning of finned heat exchangers at the push of a button as required – constant availability due to stationary, permanent installation of positioning units – economic benefits due to mobile use of the JetMaster system’s control components
The constant availability of the automated JetMaster cleaning system results in considerable benefits. When generating power, e.g. in Incineration facilities, the turbine power is frequently reduced if heat extraction is insufficient. This is often the case at higher outside temperatures. Service providers must be commissioned in advance to carry out cleaning. Considerable costs are incurred due to the necessary journeys there and back and the complex building site equipments. Then there is the actual cleaning on top, which is usually carried out with pressurised water. The whole thing can quickly reach a thousands sum and is mostly required twice a year. The loss of profit caused by the performance reduction in power generation is usually even higher than these costs.
JetMaster cleans efficiently with short cleaning times
mycon and Kipp Umwelttechnik offer significant advantages in availability, cleaning quality and cleaning costs by using the automated JetMaster system.
Low investment costs possible with the JetMaster rental system
The automated JetMaster system can also be hired out. The all-in annual rental price is normally much lower than the operator’s current cleaning costs + loss of profit, often due to the necessary performance reductions in energy production, at least during the summer months.
Only a few prerequisites need to be achieved by the operator. Then mycon and its sister company, Kipp Umwelttechnik, take over calculation, planning, production, installation and servicing of the automated cleaning system. This means: profit maximisation without major investment costs.
Photo 1: Automated JetMaster cleaning system
Monitoring and automatic start of cleaning by ControlMaster
The ControlMaster monitoring system can be installed for monitoring purposes. The development is not yet fully completed, but it will soon be able to be used for heat transfer systems with a clear structure. ControlMaster can be connected with the controls of the automated JetMaster cleaning system and independently start the system if requested. ControlMaster works on the basis of algorithms. This means that exactly the right time for cleaning is selected under consideration of the cleaning costs. This can take place fully automatically or the corresponding data can also be entered digitally. Cleaning can then take place at the push of a button. The automated cleaning machine is worth using for large surfaces, otherwise the JetMaster system is used manually. The ControlMaster also serves here as a guideline for the cleaning application.